Hello There,
I'm Adrian Camacho

Creative and forward thinking Full Stack Developer. I've spent the last 2 years immersing myself into the web development world and I couldn't be happier to have taken the plunge. I have an appetite to keep learning new technologies and methods in order to make the web experience accesible and enjoyable for everyone.



This project is a social media platform directed towards people in the service industry. The idea was to have a platform where service industry workers can post about people who have been banned(eighty-sixed) from their place of work. On top of that it can just be a place where like minded people can create an online community and connect with each other! This project is a work in progress.

  • React
  • Firebase
  • Material UI
  • Node

Memory Game

This project is a simple memory game that keeps track of your turns and leaves the card images flipped if you've selected matching cards.

  • React
  • JavaScript

Crypto Coinz

This app is a tracker for the top 100 crypto currencies in the world. There is loads of information on the subject matter within the app including live pricing, price history, market caps and the latest news on crypto.

  • React
  • Axios
  • AntDesign
  • React-Redux Toolkit

PDX Burger Week

This project is a mock burger site inspired by Portland's Burger Week. Our site uses our Burger-API that populates the data using both factory bot and faker Ruby gems. The site allows admin users to view, update and delete burgers at their own free will! As for regular users, you can add, update and delete your own reviews for a burger!

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • Bootstrap
  • Postgres


I've worked with a wide range of languages and frameworks. Below are a list of some I've had the most experience with.

  • Front-End


  • Back-End

    Ruby on Rails

About Me

An ambitous, friendly and dedicated individual who strives to contribute every ounce of their knowledge to whatever company or project they're involved with. Technology, sports and gaming junkie who thrives in an open minded, team oriented enviornment. Someone who is ready to kick start their career and continue learning in order to be the best version of their self.

Personal Accomplishments


Github Contributions


Github Repositories


Github Commits

Making the web experience smoother one project at a time